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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Secrets Of Winning Financially

You Are About to Discover The Secret On Winning Massively In Business, Stock Market And Make Millions And Billions Of Dollars In 7 Simple Steps.

They Are Things Not One In a Millions Know?

Below, you will discover:

?Why you are still NOT successful now financiallywhy you struggle everyday to pay bills and have nothing left after that.

?The Power To Make Millions and Billions $$$ are sometime that you already presses, right now! Yes, I mean it, right now!

?And much much more?

Dear Friends,

Have you ever think of yourself as a Failure in life and that everything in life are working against you! That there is a big Wall in front of you every time you wake up in the morning?. that you are NOT in control of the own life or destiny.

Have you ever wonder why you are always fighting and struggling to pay your bills every month with financial constraint and worries. You are financially crippled and are not able to break free?to be financial free? To do the thing that you love without worrying for the next bills to pay even though you are working very hard on your Job.

Do you feel that life is bleak with a routine 8 to 5 day job, with little time spent for your family, children and love one.

Worst still, you do not know whether you will ever break away from this routine financially struggle of yours.

And deep inside you, there is a loud CRY that yells Please help me to GET OUT?of this monotonous and distasteful rat race. This RAT-RACE of working so hard and still has not enough money to pay the bills is eating me up. I am consumed.

The irony is that you are still in your current state of rat-race living?. Running around everyday like a rat.

Recently, I call a good friend of mine, Issac, on a Sunday Morning on the mobile. He told me that he is working?to my disappointment (because I wanted to ask him out for a drink) and HORROR (goodness me that he will need to work even on a SUNDAY to get an income). Over the phone, he told me he has NO CHOICE? I have know Issac for a few years already and understand that he is in Financial difficulties as a result of lending someone a huge sum of money at which that Someone?has not yet return his money for quite sometime already. Issac used to be a network marketer promoting some energy drinks because he has been highly influenced by Anthony Robbins and Robert Kiyosakis Philosophy of attaining financial freedom from multiple streams of passive incomes.

But why is someone who has once make a decision to achieve financial freedom are back to working in job just to meet end needs? When he embarks on the MLN business, he has a sum of buffer money in his bank where he is comfortable with. However, after loaning the money to that someone? he has little or no buffer money left.

This change in situation also change his belief system. This should not be the case if you have to be successful in life. Are there no other way for him to make money now that he has no buffer money in the bank? Can he make money with little or no money?

The answer is a resounding YES! YES! YES!? As an example, he can earn commission or passive income every month by facilitating a join venture between merchant with critical customer masses and another merchant with non-competition products or services. If you want to know more about this concept, please read chapter 10 of Multiple streams of Internet Income?from Robert Allen.

He has a disease like so many of us? A disease of disempowerment believe that in such a situation as his, there is NO other way but to look for a job as the only solution to his problem, that he has NO choice but to work for a job and as a result, he has NO choice but to work on a Sunday.

I am not discounting that fact that he took action by working on a job to pay for his expenses. However, his disempowerment believes is destroying him in limiting the potential in him for creating massive wealth. He did not even spent time finding and researching ways to make money but subject himself as a victim of his circumstances. As his good friend, this really hurt me.

Thus, it is my desire to help as many people with disempowerment believe to achieve breakthrough in their believe system in order to achieve greater success and prosperity in wealth creation.

If Issacs situation resemble yours or that you may not have the same situation as Issac but nonetheless, process the same disempowerment believe in yourself for achieving financial breakthrough other than working for a job, then , i have GOOD News for you. In the following articles, I will highlight to you 7 Steps to achieve your GOALS of financially freedom and breakthrough from the rat race. You deserve it!

After reading this, you will be able to:

Unleash the hidden POWER and POTENTIAL within you. The power that you are not even aware that you have already Process. It is in YOU.

Believe that ALL things are possible if ONLY you Believe. Nothing can possible stop you except GOD Almighty. Your Belief system will change the environment in your favor.

Leverage by imitating the success of other by modeling their pattern of Excellence and in so doing; make it your very own success story.

So are you ready and hungry for MORE success in life? and remake history in your life that will propel you to greater height? Let move on.

1) First, you need to expand your Reality by setting unbelievable goals and dreams.

a. When you conceive an unbelievable goals and dreams in your MIND and BELIEVE that YOU can make it HAPPEN, then the goals and dreams will come to pass.

b. All of us are created in the Image of GOD and we have tremendous power in our MIND to create something out of nothing, to convert the impossible to a world of possibilities.

c. The secret here is to unearth that POWER in your MIND. That Power that is hidden in YOUR MIND has an explosive POWER not less than the power released from the Atomic bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the World War II.

d. Some believe that Investing in equity is risky? That is their reality. But for those few that has improve their Financial Knowledge, Intelligent and Experience, Investing in equity is not risky at all! Why is this so? They can use Mechanical rules likes option to hedge their loss and leverage on their gain. They can buy ownership into the fundamental of the companies and get it for a bargain price.

e. Some believe that It takes Money to make money? Again, this is their reality. For some of the privilege few, they can use contra to profit from the rise of a stock without even coming out with any money upfront! Or they can write a naked call or put option to earn the premium Money with no money being paid out front when the options that they sold expired with no one exercising it. For some of those who have a websites hosting family photos and for leisure, you can simply convert them to a Money Making sites through Internet Affiliate marketing program by earning a commission for selling other people product and services.

f. Some believe that you CANNOT pay less in Government taxes. Again this is your belief. What you believe is bound to your reality only. That is not what some business man believes. Therefore, a new world of possibility is open to them. If you have registered a business, you can tailored your Profit and loss statement to deduct the goods/services they you buy as expenses. Meaning the goods/services are brought in your company name. For example, if you are tax 20% each year and that you have brought a house of $1m dollars. You can factor in depreciation or what people call paper loss in your income statement to IRAS. Depreciation amount is deducted from your earning before the final net profit is calculated for your tax. If you can report depreciation of your house at $50,000 a year, then you will have save $50,000*20% = $10,000 each year. In ten years, you will have save $100,000. If you did not registered the house under a business entity, then every year, you will!
be paying $10,000 more to the tax man. The reason why this happen is because government in most countries give tax advantages to Corporation/company as they are the oen that bring employments to the countries thus resulting a stable and prosperous governing. You help the government, the government react in helping you back!
g. We can only make money in the market in a bull or up market. Now, this is only in your reality that this is true ONLY for you! Those who are financially trained will know that we can open a short position in market to make money in a Bear or down market. If you know how to use financial mechanical rules like option, you can buy a put option to leverage to gain from a down market. Again, to extend your believe system further, if you think it is NOT POSSIBLE to make money in a Side Market, meaning a market that is stagnant, either going up or coming down. Well, this again is your reality! We can make money in a side market by writing a call option, selling a strangle or straddle or deploying a calendar spread option strategy.

h. Some believe that it is NOT POSSIBLE to make 8 to 12% return from the Stock market risk free. Again, this is in their reality. For someone who know how to make it, this is not in their reality and believe system. They can buy into Index fund or Index ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) in the long term to get this type of return gaining on the fact that continuous inflation and growing world population will only make the Index to grow at a steady rate in the Long Term. For the Short Term, the market can be erratic, but over the Long term, it can be quite predictable. As an added advantage, index funds are normally low in expenses compared to Mutual fund. Management fee per year is around 0.2 to 0.5 percentage compared to Mutual fund range from 1.5 to 2.5 percentage.

i. To extend your believe system or reality even more, what if I was to tell you that it is POSSIBLE to make 45% in the Equity Mkt with little risk? Some believe that Gaining more then 45% at little risk is NOT POSSILBE in the equity Market? Harthis is another problem due to the limiting mindset and believe of a person that have not gotten a breakthrough in making Money to grow > 45% in the equity market. However, for a person who have learnt how to leverage on margin trading offer by CFD (Contract For Difference) for Composite Index, then this IMPOSSIBLE phenomena is indeed POSSIBLE. How? Well, if you understand the concept of Index Arbitrate, you will know that Stock Index futures and the underlying stocks do not move in lock step. The two markets can be momentarily out of synchronization, with the Index prices move higher or lower than the stocks that the index track. Therefore, you can predict that the Index will rise by going long on a CFD on the Index when th!
e Index is currently lower than the underlying stocks that the Index track. In this case, we are presuming that the Index will be catching up with the rise the underlying stocks that it tracks. You can use a Stop Loss to limit your loss if the pattern of catching up?hypothesis does not happen, thus minimizing your risk.

j. To take your believe to a greater height, do you think it is not possible to make more than 100% return in your money with no risk(on condition that you have a couple of million as free cashflow). If so, then what I am going to share with you now will simply blow your mind off!!! How can something so lucrative ever exist in this world? This are the high Yield programs. However, this sort of programs are only available on an invitational basis to investors with huge liquidate USD holding. The US Fed Reserve need money to fund the expensive projects of US. To obtain the cash, they will need to get it from the taxes or tape into the reserves. However, we all know that US does not have such a strong reserve to tape on and that money from taxes will not be enough to fund massive project, like NASA rocket programs, Iraqi war etc. Thus to obtain cash, it will issue government securities to AAA rated bank with a future value worth more than what the government is selling to th!
e bank. This also results in trading of the government securities among selected banks. An Intermediary broker from a trading bank will sit in between the transaction for this two transacting banks ?one in selling and the other in buying. For the broker to take that position, he must have the backing of his trading bank and sufficient fund to ensure that the seller will get his cash in the event that the transaction spill over to the next day banking day. However, this are just rules and policy. In normal circumstances, this does not happen as the buying bank will be able to pay the selling bank on the same trading day. Thus because of this policy and rules enforces on the broker working for the trading bank, the trading bank will need a lot of cash in USD to fulfill the policy and rules of the transaction of government securities. As the commission earn by the broker and trading bank is huge, if you factor into the Billion of USD being transfer from the buying and !
selling Bank of government securities, and couple with the fac!
t the th
is type of transaction happen quite often within a month, therefore the trading bank is willing to share part of their profit to the cash rich individuals that invest in them to fulfill their policy and procedures in taking position as a trading bank of government securities between banks.

k. Some think that it is not possible to make money from the Internet?which is not true. To many others who have make money from Affiliate, Blog Marketing or even Price per click, they will testify that it is possible to make money from the Internet. Try http://tinyurl.com/q8dvd this site to learn how to make money from a Affiliated Cloning System designed by one of the top Affiliate Marketer, Ewen Chai. He is a living testimony of someone who has make million of dollars from the Internet.

l. Some believe that it is not possible to pay less interest for Housing Loans based on the same amount borrowed and interest rate. Again this is a reality problem! Instead of paying $1000 per month for your housing loan, you can now pay $500 fortnightly. For an example, if you take a Loan of $100,000 at 6%pa interest charge, for the $1000 per month installation scheme, you will be paying $96,700 in interest for a period of 25 years term. If you take same loan with a fortnightly payment scheme of $500 per fortnight, you will be paying only $79,500 in interest for a period of 21 years and 5 months.

2) Get leverage on increasing your DESIRE and PASSION for success in achieving your goals and dreams.

a. If you are not 100% committed in pursuing your goals and dreams that you have just work out in Step 1, then you will not be able to be SUCCESSFUL. But HOW CAN I put in 100% commitment in pursuing my goals and dreams? How can I motivate myself? The answer is to get LEVERAGE on what you want to achieve in your life. For example, if you want to be a millionaire in the next ten years, then ask yourself this questions
i. What will it benefits ME when I am a millionaire in ten years time?
ii. What will it hurts and disadvantages ME if I am not a millionaire in ten years time?
Take some time to answer these two questions in all honesty from your heart.

Your answers will be the DRIVERS to serve you to get motivated and increase your desire and passion to put in 100% in pursuing your goals and dreams.

For example, if your answer is if I am not a millionaire in ten years time, I will not be able to retire in peace of mind as I will still struggle to pay my bills at age 65.?This very fact will be able to drive you to work harder than before in working toward your goals. Alternatively, if you answer is if I am a millionaire in ten years time, then I will be able to travel around the world to see the things that I so desire in my life.?This dreams will drive you to work harder than ever before in making your goals a reality. Your answers to the two questions will be use as a leverage to get you motivated with a burning desire and passion for the very success that you need. You will be hungry for success.

If in the process, you somehow lose that desire and passive, get out your answers to the above questions again and recite it numerous times until it eat in your subconscious mind. Desire and passive is the number one substances in the driver that will propel you to the finishing line for successfully achieving your goals and dreams. There is no stopping you if you have the Desire and Passion for success. You cannot be denied of your goals and dreams.

Everyone will answer the questions differently as each one of us has different values. Our values system will then serve as our driver ( just like the club serve as a driver in a golf game) to propel you to dedicate and put in 100% in achieving your goals and dreams.

3) Look for the Right Strategies to supercharge your progress ?Modeling from other people pattern of Excellence.

a. Everyone has the potential to be as successful as those that are already successful in life. But why more than 90% of the population are still not successful? The answer is that they deploy the wrong strategy in pursuing their goals. The reason why those minority few are successful is because they use the right strategy in attaining their goals. It is that simple! Give you some examples.

i. Many people failed in their investing in stock market, but master investor like Warren Buffet is winning in the same market consistently for many years. Why? This is because those who failed invest in the stock market based on hot tips, insider information and speculating the market. While Buffet study the underlying business fundamental of the company he wanted to buy and then buy the equity of the company at the right price. In the case for Buffet, he also model the strategy of Philip Fisher (author of Common Stock Uncommon profits? for studying company fundamental and the late Benjamin Graham (author of The Intelligent Investor? for buying at the right price. That what make Buffet so successful, in learning how to model from other that are more successful than himself. In this case, he went one up in combining the best of both Philip Fisher and Benjamin Graham.

ii. Stuart Tan is a popular NLP trainer and speaker in Singapore and the Asia. By nature, he is a shy and is not good at relating and talking to people, let alone speaking to hundred and thousand of people in a crowd. Over the years, he suffers from the pain in his lack of charisma and confidence in public speaking and relating to others that he look for solution to his problem. The turning point in his life is when he learn of NLP technique. That he can be as good as anyone in the world if he can model his/her technique of speaking and presentation. He put in action what he has learnt, practicing the every move and tone and confidence of his selected model speaker. Additionally, he tried to work out situation where he needs to speak in a crowd or to lead a group of person. As he put in practice again and again the style and habits of his best model speaker, he improves drastically in making public speaking. Some say that Practice make Perfect? But I prefer to say that !
Practice make Permanent?In Stuarts case, what is make permanent in him is the most dynamic speaking style and methods from his model speakers, which is good. While other may have practice something negatively which in the long run, will incorporate a negative speaking style and methods of a lousy speakers. Thus, who you model makes a significance impact to whether you improve as a person or go downward in life. As you have already guessed, practice will make permanent a certain habits in your life. Once it becomes a habit, it can hardly depart from you. AND habit can be good and bad. If you acquire good public speaking habit, you will be a dynamic speaker every time you open your mouth speak. Its automatic, it is a habit. However if you acquire poor public speaking habit, you will put everyone to sleep every time you open your mouth.

iii. Famous America self make millionaire and financially educator Robert Kiyosaki is another good example. He has two dads, one is his poor dad ( his biological dad ) and one is his rich dad ( his best friend Marks dad ). From young, he is exposed to the style of both his dad but he is highly influenced by his rich dad. His rich dad has a set of habits that is very different from his poor dad. By adopting and model the habits of his rich dad ( good thing he model after the right dad .), he make himself into a millionaire by investing in business, real estate. He has the passion to leverage the financial education of everyone so that All can be achieve the financial breakthrough and goals in life, and most importantly, to get out of the rat race. If you are interested to know more about Robert and the type of innovative financial education materials that he offers, you can visit his web site at: . However, if he want to break into the realm of billionaire, he wil!
l need to model after some other billionaires like Warren buffet or Donald Trump.

4) Take Massive Action by following your defined Strategies.
a. By taking massive action in following the strategies that we have defined in modeling others who are more successful than us, we will be forced to make changes in our life. Why? The reason is because if we continue to with our present way of life and not making action in modeling the strategies and habits of those super achievers, then rest assured that the result of your life will not be change. You will still continue to earn your salary every month, in the same state of health every year with no improvement and gain. However, if you was to move out of your comfort zone and take ACTION in following the strategies and habits of your successful models, then the end results will be that you will be as successful or even more than your model.

b. Remember! Massive action generates massive result. No action offer no result. If you want to achieve more in life, you will need to take massive action in the right direction by modeling the pattern of excellence of your successful models.

c. There are a lot of great ideas, great poems and songs buried in the blossom o f the dead buried under the soil. Why? This is because there are some many peoples in the world who has so much talents and gifts in their life that have failed to TAKE ACTION until the day they die. Imagine what it will benefit the world today if they have taken action to make this place a better world, much better than today. We got to thank the Wright Brothers who have Taken ACTION to put dream in action by inventing a plane that model like a bird that can lift and fly in the air. And we got to thank Thomas Edition who have taken ACTION to put dream in action by inventing the light bulb that will be illuminated by the passing of electricity. So I sincerely hope that you will not waste your life away. Everyone, whether you are tall or short, handsome or ugly, rich or pooretc has the same number of hours each day, not more and no less. Do not waste the hours that GOD has given to you. !
Take ACTION now to fulfill your Dreams and Goals.

5) Evaluate the result of your action and refine or change your Strategies as required.

I would like to congratulate you for taking action. This is the first step. However, bear in mind that the result of your action can be a success or failure. For success, then you are already the proud owner of working strategy. If the result is failure, then it is your responsibility to get feedback and re-evaluate your strategy, to change it or refine it. Keep faith in working on toward your goals by changing your strategy constantly until success comes smiling at your in the face. Do not be persistent in failure by continuously executing the same strategy again and again. If the result of your action is negative, change your strategy and try again! You must learn to be flexible.

a. You must be flexible to change your strategies if the desired result is not achieved. Let me give you an example to illustrate my point. A young insurance agent after having read Adam Khoos Master your mind, design your destiny?is fired up and wanted to set a target to sell over a million of insurances by the end of the year. He is highly motivated individual. He employ a temp staff to help him make cold call so that he can focus on the job of meeting clients to close as many deal as possible. However, after three, the result is not desirable. Indeed his sales is going in a downward trend. Finally, out of desperation, he rethink of what could have gone wrong. In the quietness of his thought, he start to realize that he is so enthusiastic in his push for sales that he has shut the door upon himself for any possible sales. When he meet his client, he will begin by giving a strong sales speech to convince the prospect in buying the insurance. Then he realize that a!
ll this while, he has not practice listening to the client, to find out and understand their conditions and needs and then tailor a policy that is suitable for them. After realizing his mistake, we work on changing his strategy the next time he meet his client. And Bang?!! His sales pick up from there and he end of topping the sales in his company.

b. Adam Khoos, the young self made millionaire in Singapore has created the most best-selling motivating seminar in Asia Pacific. However, in the very beginning, when Adam is an unknown motivational speaker, he has hard time convincing the crowd to sign up for his seminar. During one of this very first preview talk, only one person signs up for his event. He is expecting 15 persons to sign up. So did he give up? No!!! Different person in his situation will decide and react differently. Those who failed will give up by listening to the negative from their own inner voice or from other. For him who mindset who has been transforms to think positively, he gets feedbacks from the crowds who did not sign up. There he learns that most of them are not too sure if his seminar is worth the $2000 price tag that he demands. Some are not able to commit the time for the several weekends that are required for the course. So he changes this strategy in his next preview. This time h!
e offers a money back guarantee for those who attend his workshop if they are not satisfied with the value that they will have received in his workshop. He also structures the workshop to fewer weekends. Bang! Because of his flexibility in changing his strategy, the next enrollment session attract 13 people to sign up. What a different a change in strategy will effect a result.

As an additional note, do not take customer (if you are the owner of a company) or your boss ( if you are employee) complain as a complaint. Yes, I mean it. Take it as a feedback for you and your company to improve and change your strategy for greater success. There is no denying the height where you can soar if you perfected your strategy in reaching the goals and dreams that you so desired in your life.

6) Once you got the right strategies working for you, exit from the system and move on to set another more ambitious goals ?to challenge to limit on how far you can go.

A quote from the book The winning investment habits of Warren Buffet and Georges Soro?written by Mark Tier book, he mentioned that the Master Investor never makes an investment without first knowing when he is going to sell. Remember, profit is made when you sell equity, not when you buy.

This applies to setting up a business. You must frame out the business in the beginning with an exit strategy for yourself. Just like how Bill Gate can now move on to work on his charitable work leaving behind the Microsoft business system stilling running dynamically, generating earning to increase shareholder stake and paying the payrolls for thousand of employees worldwide.

7) Controlled your Gain and Invest it for High Compound growth rate in the long term.

This is the last and the most powerful way to grow your wealth. Firstly, you have to practice delay gratification so that you can re-invest all the monies that you have earned from business and Investment to Equity or any investment vehicles that can give you a consistent high percentage of return of interest while preserving the capital sum. In other word, re-invest your monies to achieve high percentage growth in compounding interest.

Do not underestimate the power of compounding. As Albert Einstein, the greatest genius of our time once remarked that compound interest was the greatest mathematical discovery ever made. He have a formula for compound interest other than his famous E=MC square. It is called the Rule of 72.

For example, if you can reinvest your monies to achieve 30% compound rate of return, it will take 72 / 30 = 2.4 years. This mean that if you invest $200,000 on an investment that give you a compounding rate of return of 30%, then your monies will double to $400,000 in 2.4 years from the time you start the initial investment. In (2.4 + 2.4) = 4.8 years, you monies will grow to be $800,000. In (2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4 ) = 7.2 years, you monies will increase to $1,600,000. In (2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4) = 9.6 years, your monies will rise to $2,400,000. Whow? In just less than 10 years, your initial $200,000 will grow to a staggering $2.4 millions dollars. Isnt that amazing? It is no wonder why Warren Buffet is so frugal when it comes to monies so he see the future value of the dollar that he own today.

In conclusion, Money is a game. You must learn how to play the game to win it and not to play to game not to lose it. If you brush up your financial education and learn to play the game of money for winning, you will attain great wealth in your lifetime.

Prior to that, you must Think and grow rich? to expand your thinking to embrace the possibility within you to create massive amount of wealth for yourself and your family. If you will, nothing is going to stop you from achieving your dream for financial freedom and monetary success. I wish you all the success in your journey to attain great wealth. Do remember to bless the society once you are wealthy with donation and gift. The more you give away, the more you will receive in return.

Imagine this?

You awake from bed on a Monday Morning?lazing on your bed. You do not did to work as you have multiple streams of Incomes coming to you even you are sound asleep yesterday.

You have not worry for money. Indeed, you have too much monies that you are considering giving some away to charity.

Now, you have a problem, but a good one. You have too much money and wonder what to do with them. You are your own boss now.. fully controlling your time and decide what you want to do at any moment of your life.

So, put into action right now to achieve your dreams. God bless!

The author, Chiong Yew Heng, is a very driven individual who aspire to attain great wealth in his life time. Four things are important to him. It is listed here in order of priority. make money online

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